Sunday 6 May 2012


Well today is another lovely day, my computer chair is in the sun, so i am nice and warm,  i should be in my sewing room finished the coat i am up cycling, just hem on coat and lining to do, you will see it soon, 

Today is all about me,  that's my saying since my girls left home, as i was all about them and my family before that, before having my girls i was a hairdresser,  10 yrs in the industry and have my trade cert, loved it, love cutting hair more than anything else with in hairdressing , once having my two girls i did lots of sewing which is my first love,

then i thought scrap booking wouldn't make so much mess, how wrong was i with paper everywhere,  so over that one, and stamping, over that ...................

 Then i did folk art, was not good at that, they went by the way side, then on to ...................

Calligraphy , did a course in that with an amazing tudor, while doing the course i did 20hr a week practice, so at the end of the course i could be good at it, , sadly at this min i cant find anything i have done,

then have you ever done decoupage, that's a lot of fun, i did this bust as i collect busts, which i will show you later,

 i did land scape gardening course , learn lots , did all my own landscaping, Important tip when doing your garden, cut it into areas, like your house, areas that are hidden till you walk into there,

Also have a love for beads, collecting them more than doing anything with them. have them all sorted in there colours in there own containers , stop laughing lol lol

also did this lampshade, was lucky enough to find this glass things crystals  in a flea market , which is by my bed lamp,

Then i was lucky enough to have an elderly neighbour pass on to me the craft of stumpwork embroidery . well that took lots of practice,  you will see from my first piece , which i was so proud of but my neighbour said it was 100 times to large, stump work is small  , it got smaller,

Tatting was another craft, you need someone to teach you , hard to learn it on your own, and if you make a mistake, your done, cant be undone easy.. also i have knitted, not a love of knitting and also  crochet

Well i hope i have not bored you, that's just a touch, there was also pressed flower cards , my real estate papers,  level 3 - year long computer course,  an Interior design course, which i loved..,and not to forget a photograph and Photoshop course, plus still today - doing my family tree after doing it for 27yrs ... i did fit in looking after my girls and working in our business,

My love is still sewing , making old clothes into new one, and i am enjoying the full time course in Fashion tech, so far getting 100% in fabric textiles and pattern making,  hope to go on to do the degree next year,

anyway had my coffee back to my sewing room , while the sun is still shining in there,

thanks for reading, please come back, 

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