Monday 23 April 2012


Well i have had a great day in the garden, getting my vege garden sorted for winter planting,, first i have to say its important to make good compost,  i have three bins, so one is working, one half way cooked and the other ready to be used on garden,   in saying that two of mine were ready to use, and i needed it all for my garden,
 The secret i have found to good compost, is using food scraps, never meat. and when mowing lawn, ( we have a lot of grass clipping as we have a big section,) i add ripped news paper  after each catcher load of lawn clipping, i also cover the bin that is cooking with plastic, to keep it warmer, my compost is always full of worms, big and small .

I have four raise garden beds, raise gardens are more user friendly and make gardening more rewarding, i didn't fill each garden up to start with , so i could fill them with compost as it was ready.

I have broccoli, beetroots, spinach, sliver beet, lettuces,  will be adding peas,  few herb and rhubarb in far corner garden.

i put a frame up to cover with plastic to keep frost off , as we sometimes get a -2 or 3 deg frost, this time i am going to sew together two or three layers of plastic to make it thicker, and also this time i will have them fixed to the top and hang down each side, and timber attached to the bottom , to hold them down, last season i only had one side opening up, but found i couldn't reach the back of the garden.  the plastic keeps it warmer and keeps out bugs.

PS i also add horse manure to my compost as its cooking, some people have the manure hanging into water and use the water, i found the manure on the compost doesn't smell, just put a layer at a time as grass clipping go on, i also put all purpose fertilizer on vege garden when planting, 

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