Saturday 2 June 2012

Hi there, back again,, been busy with doing my sewing and patterns for my fashion tech course, i am on top of things so thought i have a day sewing for me,,  repairing clothes, trying to make pants bigger,  lol and made this dress into a skirt, love lace,, and didn't have a black lace skirt that i could wear to tech or dancing,

Here is the dress, i cut if off just under the bust, took off the bit of lace,, lucky the lace from the skirt when right up,  i undid the lining from the skirt, it was attached about 8 cm down side seam.

lifted the lining up passed top of lace and cut it off shorter,  over locked the two together, lace and lining, then attached a wide piece of black lace,   wow new skirt , i will get a lot of wear out of, will look great with big jumper and boots,

not sure why its sideways, cause in my pictures its not.